
Dawn of Fantasy in 2010 and Closed Beta

posted in NEWS, OUTDATED, PINNED NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

I heard about this game a lot of time ago, it is a mmo-rts, where your kingdom’s city is persistant.
There is a new video, it says the game will exit in 2010.

If you wanna partecipate to the Closed beta you must register at their forum before 15th september 2009.

Official Site

Meanwhile you can check this free mmo-rts:
World of Battles

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6 Responses to “Dawn of Fantasy in 2010 and Closed Beta”

  1. By Máté on August 14, 2009

    Lord of the Rings-ish.

    • Yea I know, the presence of the Ents (Humanoid-trees) have
      made saying this to a lot of commenters around the web.
      This game throught, has the mmo-rts gamemode which (as far as i remember)
      was absent in Battle for Middle-Earth 2. Plus let’s don’t forget that
      almost every fantasy game ( Warhammer,WarCraft,D&D, etc) is based on Torkien’s works. I see nothing wrong with this, well ok some visuals
      resemble the movies.. (and to be honest orks and Uruk-hai are not that great, compared to GreenSkins’Warhammer) but that’s it.

  2. By Máté on August 14, 2009

    If i know well the Warcraft-era is older than the LotR.

    • As rts game it can be true, even if there is a very old title, lotr:war of the ring which wasn’t a pure rts but had some mini section of real time battles.
      I was referring to the fact that Tolkien was the first to take legends (elf,dwarf,orks,magic,wizard etc etc) and build upon it a fantasy world. In my opinion almost all of fantasy games were influenced and or inspired by the LOTR book. WarCraft/WoW in particular is not much original, as it is clearly heavy inspired by D&D and its minions and general look design of the game is clearly taken from GameworkShop Miniatures…

  3. By Máté on August 14, 2009

    I meant not tolkien imagined this stuff, he “just” wrote an awesome story based on this.

  4. By Máté on August 14, 2009

    Id like to c a wow-ish mmorpg, but based on skill, not on xp, and they wouldnt use just close combat weapons and magic, but also guns. For example elves would use bullpup weapons like p90 or imi tavor and engraved pistols, orcs would use machine guns and eastern european rifles like rpk, m60, imi negev, goblins would use smgs, etc. etc.

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