
Midway’s AREA 51

posted in FPS, FREE GAMES, NEWS | Posted by Angelinux

IMPORTANT:This game was released as freeware for U.S. based consumers by the United States Air Force. (wikipedia) This means that it won’t work for non-americans players. You can try to download it and run.. but it probably won’t work. You may need a “fix” file to run it outside U.S.A 😆

Area 51 is the only action-packed 1st person shooter set in the U.S. governments most secret and secure military facility. The U.S. Army has received a distress signal from Area 51 where a viral outbreak has just shut down the research facility and the automated quarantine procedures have locked all scientific and military personnel inside.

A small Special Forces unit led Specialist Ethan Cole of HAZMAT (hazardous materials) Division is sent to investigate. As Cole, players will delve into five massive levels within the confines of Area 51, discover a mutagenic side effect of the virus that controls the minds of those infected, as well as an ancient alien colony buried beneath the facility. With a multitude of human and alien weapons, players must explore chilling conspiracies such as the extraterrestrial crash at Roswell and the faked lunar landing, in order to solve the enigmas of Area 51 before the viral mutagen is released and irrevocably mutates all life on earth.

-Multiplayer (1-4)

Link to Author Site

Midway's AREA 51
1.9 GiB - 2,120 downloads

Midway’s Area 51 is now available to download and play for FREE as an ad supported game. This is a full version with no time expiration sponsored by the US Air Force.

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12 Responses to “Midway’s AREA 51”

  1. By saobang3886 on October 5, 2008

    I just download this game, and already install, but when I click to play. a popup open and it write ” You need the internet connecting to support before play, check your connect again !”. I don’t known how to play it, because I also already connect my PC to the internet. any one help me?

  2. By VitoCatozzo on October 5, 2008

    Maybe it’s beacouse the game is for americans only.. try to download an ‘alternative’ .exe, the game should run without any internet connection required.

  3. By saobang3886 on October 5, 2008

    I see the file give this error. it is the html file, and it also include in the Full Spectrum Warrior game. It seem use for check link to server. But with game Full Spectrum Warrior I can play normal. So what the problem is ?

  4. At VitoCatozzo (lol): i understand your suggestion and thanks for not putting any links 😉

    At saobang: I really can’t say what’s wrong with Area 51 html file… You could check the comments on filefront.. http://files.filefront.com/Area+51+Sponsored+by+the+US+Air+Force/;11928815;/fileinfo.html but as vitoCatozzo suggested changing the .exe should fix the problem, which in the first place is beacouse the game is probably available only to americans.

  5. By Tusler on October 8, 2008

    I installed this Area 51 free game and I get
    “Critical Softwrap Error”
    can’t spawn unlocked child process, error #5

    I have never bought any Midway games, guess it is a good thing since Full Spectrum Warrior did the same thing.

  6. Hi Tusler i really wish i could help but i have no idea what to say… I just putted on the site this free games cause i thought they were nice and harmless, didn’t want to cause any trouble… 😆


    Some had some problems, some just installed and play.. About the Critical softwrap error, i have no idea what is it..

    Critical softwrap error


    Sorry for any inconvinience, i can assure you i had no idea this games could cause damage in any form, i just run a site to deliver links, download and news about free games. I say thank to Midway for releasing some freegames but hey can’t they think of a better and easier way to deliver a banner-ad to our desktops.

    Is there someone who downloaded one of this games from us and had no problem, at this point i wanna know, please be brave and write a comment. 😆

  7. By 2nd Luitenent Skomsvold on November 30, 2009

    Hey guys if you want to download it with no problems go to bigdownload.com. Sorry firesword but i also tried this link and it sucked. But i only have one problem withthe bigdownload.com one, You must have an internet connection before you start the game. If any of you can help me with this problem it would be greatly appreciated.

    2nd LT. Skomsvold
    U.S. Army
    3rd ACR

  8. No problem but It’s very strange, beacouse the version hosted here is the exact same version… whatever sorry if i made you loose time, but i can assure i tested it before putting the file online. For the internet connection issue i have no idea if there is a workaround for that, maybe you should use a ‘special-fix’ (if you know what i mean) but i can’t (and is not allowed) to post that type of links here..

    I see you are a uncle sam’s finest, i would salute you in a proper way but since i am just a civilian i just say: Cya. 😆

  9. By ff8squall on December 13, 2009

    hey i gt a problem with this area 51. when i run it, nothing appears although the process runs…
    when i click the program for another few times softwrap error appears.
    what should i do to make it run?

    • Hi, i really dunno what to say.. Tested this back in those days and i find no errors..

      To play the game you must have an internet connection (to display ads when u start the game).


      Limited User Accounts (LUA’s) will not be able to play Area 51 demo. You must
      have Administrator rights to run Area 51 (Windows(r) XP and Windows(r)

      Minimum System Requirements – Area 51 PC

      INTEL: 1.4 GHz processor
      AMD: 1.2 GHz processor

      •RAM: 256 MB

      •VIDEO CARD:

      ATI Radeon 9800 through 9500
      ATI X800, X600, X300

      Geforce GT 6800 or 6600
      Geforce FX 5950 or 5900
      Geforce FX 5900 through 5600
      Geforce FX 5200
      Geforce 4 / 3

      Intel Graphics motherboards
      915GM-FR, 915G, GMA900

      •Hard Drives:
      Minimum hard drive space required is 3GB

      CD/ DVD-ROM Drive

      •Operating System
      Win 2000
      Win XP

      Sound Cards need to be DirectX9.0b compatible


      -Video corruption or other issues may be resolved by lowering your monitor’s
      resolutions (640 x 480)

      -Video quality and game play may be enhanced if you reduce the performance
      level (less than maximum acceleration) in your video card control panel.

      -We recommend running minimal amounts of applications in the background.

      -Turning off high detailed textures may resolve some video issues.

      -Changing mouse sensitivity sometimes provides additional game play benefits.

      Known issues:

      All Geforce MX series video cards are not supported by this software; these
      cards were eliminated from the minimum system (recommended) specifications by
      testing / QA trials.

      E-mail: http://support.midway.com

      Please let me know if you find a way to run and play this game. Thanks, i hope this helps and cya.

  10. By guy on January 17, 2014

    dude i connected with wifi so it is the same connection hes needed?

    • yes wi-fi is (should be) ok.

      I think it is just for Americans players (the game is sponosred by U.S Air Force)

      p.s If you play from U.S.A and the game doesn’t run.. i have no idea.. 😆

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