

posted in ACTION, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

You are a cat, and parkour is your calling. No shelf is too high for the likes of you, and no painting too expensive. Rain sweet feline justice down upon every vase and every glass. Frolic, pounce, and derp your way through some weirdo’s pad, in pursuit of every cat’s dream – getting someplace really high.

This isn’t just parkour. It’s Purrkour.

Windows XP is not supported.

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5 Responses to “Purrkour”

  1. By sebastian on August 28, 2016

    esmuy bueno

  2. By Jade Majeri on August 21, 2018

    Purrkour is fantastic

  3. By gelvezito on March 6, 2020

    es mi primera ves asi que espero que sea bueno

  4. By rosalia on June 8, 2020

    no lo puedo instalar

    • There is nothing to install. After unzipping locate this directory Purrkour\PurrkourProject\Binaries\Win32 double click on PurrkourProject.exe and that’s it. (some dll may be required depends on your system)

      No hay nada para instalar. Después de descomprimir, ubique este directorio Purrkour\PurrkourProject\Binaries\Win32 haga doble clic en PurrkourProject.exe y eso es. (algunos dll pueden ser necesarios depende de su sistema)

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