An action-shooter platformer game using the same mechanics as Megaman X. For the browser, windows, linux and mac.
This game was originally made for the GitHub Game-Off 2013 (Mega Girl). Now it’s a full game (GitGirl: Battle Rainbow) complete with 9 stages and 10 bosses. Finish the game in Iron Maiden mode to obtain the extended ending!
Link to Mega Girl Site (play online)
Link to GitGirl: Battle Rainbow (play online)
GitGirl: Battle Rainbow
33.6 MiB - 439 downloads
GitGirl: Battle Rainbow (linux)
35.7 MiB - 348 downloads
GitGirl: Battle Rainbow (mac)
34.7 MiB - 356 downloads
Default Controls
Arrow Keys – Navigate menu, movement.
Z – Jump.
X – Fire, hold to charge.
C – Slide.
S – Change to previous power.
D – Change to next power.
Esc – Pause.
Note: You can rebind the keys in the options menu. It is also possible to play the game with a gamepad.
Slide – Down + Jump.
Super Jump – while performing a slide, press jump while holding the left/right key respectively. You must do this before the sliding ends.
Wall Jump – Press the movement key against a wall to slide down slowly. Then press the Jump button to perform a wall jump.
You can use the bouncing star as a mini platform/boost by jumping on top of it.
Each boss is weak against a specific ability, experiment to find out!