Bomboozle 2

Description: A sequel to the immensely popular Bomboozle, which has garnered over 50 million plays to date, Bomboozle 2 is a frantic step up on every level! Group like-coloured blobs together in threes or more for oodles of points, and use bombs to create carnage on a massive scale! Run out of possible moves though, and your Bomboozling time is over...
Instructions: Look for groups of like-coloured blobs and clear them from the board with a couple of clicks, or hold the mouse button and drag to select a chain! Groups of five or more are rewarded with a bomb, which can destroy loads of blobs in one go - chain bombs together to boost your score with huge combos! Be careful never to clear a group of three though, as a dreaded skull will be dropped on to the board which can only be cleared with a bomb explosion... As you progress you'll encounter new blob types which will make your life even more tricky, but luckily you have a range of powers which are activated by filling the pots at the bottom of the screen. Once full you can click on these to use their associated power - handy in a tight spot! Should you ever run out of possible moves then your game will come to an end, so be sure to leave yourself plenty of options! There are many different ways to playing Bomboozle 2, so develop your own strategy and put your friends' scores to shame!
Game Author: megadev
PLAY FULLSCREEN (warning Game will restart)