Bitejacker : Secret Base Horror Series 01

Description: Bitejacker is a zombie shooter based on the indie game review show, Bytejacker. Player can play as the host, Anthony Carboni, or cameraman, Jon Rivera as they brave through a bizarre world of zombie apocalypse. Players can pick up new weapons, and upgrade abilities, and even meet some strangely familiar faces along the way...
Instructions: * Walk : W,A,S,D * Aim : Mouse * Fire : Left click * Reload : R * Action : E * Special : Space bar * Pause : P * Mute : M Play as Anthony or Jon. Each of them have different weapons, actions and special move. Kill zombies and head north for safety. Some obstacles can be destroyed when you fire at them. You can search for weapons, health or cash by standing near an object. Rescue survivors and bring them to safety and earn rewards. There are different skill to be upgraded. Refer to the progress book from the pause menu to find out how. Release monsters by killing zombies, earning cash and saving survivors. Refer to the progress book to check your progress. Release 3 monster, and you will unlock the boss. Defeat him to unlock a comic to find out more about the game's storyline. If you fail to unlock the boss, you will need to restart the game from a earlier check point. Player maintain some of the cash earned and all their upgrades when they lost or quit the game. The data are brought over, making the game easier the next time round.
Game Author:
PLAY FULLSCREEN (warning Game will restart)