The NESJam is a video game development JAM where developers will spend a week and develop a game based around the theme of Nintendo Entertainment System. NESJam 1 was held December 1st – December 10th 2013. Here is a gamepack containing 6 of the 7 games submitted by the partecipants.
Indie Speed Run 2013 is an online game jam (with an entry fee of 25$) where games are made by an extremely small development team (sometimes only one person) in just 48 hours using a randomly assigned theme and element. Sixteen judges, including Markus “Notch” Persson (MINECRAFT), Peter Molyneux, Ron Gilbert (Monkey Island), and more famous game developers will choose one to promote into the finals. Those games, plus one chosen by the gamers ratings, will be sent to Zero Punctuation’s own Yahtzee Croshaw to win $3,000!
Did you find some good games at E3? Here are some trailers…
Happy Easter 2013! Here is your Easter Egg..
This is a game site.. not a news site but i think this deserve a post. Today a (small) Meteor hit Russia (1500 km east of Moscow), i dunno but i don’t recall ever seeing something like this captured on video.. Also tomorrow 16th February an (small) asteroid will fly very close to Earth.. Hopefully the meteor that crashed in Russia doesn’t have uninvited guests… like virus,bacteria, or aliens stuff..