StarFight VI: Gatekeepers is JP-Production’s current flagship title. Call it the Finland’s Daikatana if you will, but you can’t deny that this is a freeware game like no other.
The game tells a story of a man named Simon Miller, a man whose once bright future as a starship captain was wrongfully taken away in order to cover for the incompetence of his superiors. Now as a working captain of a cargo vessel, deeply in debt and in love with alcohol, he’s about to embark to an adventure of lifetime.
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StarFight V: Hell’s Gate is a pure action title. Besides intensive action and enjoyable gameplay, it focuses on story delivery via short cutscenes and ingame dialogue.
StarFight V features:
-Fast-paced, cinematic SciFi-story with Full Motion Video cut-sceces
-Six different craft to fly, both solo and with wingmen
-More than 18 different types of spacecraft in-game
-20 arcade missions (5 of which are available in the ShareWare version)
-Lots of graphical special effects (lens flares, bump mapping, transparent particles…)
-Interactive digital music track and multichannel sound effects
-Runs very well even on an older computer (P120 or above)
SF5 is the last DOS-based game of the series. Despite it’s native environment, the game’s compatibility with new hardware is much better than the predecessors. It has been successfully tested even under the virtual DOS emulation machine of Windows 2000 operating system.
Posted by Angelinux |
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