Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is a remake of Super Street Fighter II Turbo (the fifth arcade iteration of the Street Fighter II series) in high definition using graphics drawn by UDON Entertainment, and arranged music by OverClocked ReMix, directed by DJ Pretzel and Shael Riley. It has been released for the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Arcade download services, but no PC version. So what about for PC users? I found out there is a replica (not official and not perfect) of this game for PC using the famous Mugen engine.
Posted by FireSword |
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14 Free Soundtracks to download and listen.. hope you like. The Soundtracks are: Dawn of War 2, Lord of the Rings, Bioshock, Tomb Raider Underworld, Deus Ex Invisible War, Stalker, Auto Assault, Golden Eye 007 N64, Super Street Fighter HD Remix OC, MineCraft, Castle Crasher, world of Goo and The Witcher.
Posted by FireSword |

Solar Vengeance is a game of interstellar conflict and conquest. You assume the role of a Star Lord, seeking to expand their territory after the collapse of the Galactic Empire. The other Star Lords (both human and computer Brain players) have the same idea! To eliminate your enemies you will build fleets of StarShips, and use them to capture independent and enemy StarSystems. Eventually you will capture your enemy Star Lord’s Capital StarSystem, eliminating them from the game. Conquer all of your enemies’ Capitals and you are victorious!
In Solar Vengeance 5, you can program your own Scenarios and computer Brain players in the Microsoft C# language. Use a full-fledged development tool like Visual Studio or SharpDevelop to write the code. When you are satisfied, just drop the source code file into the appropriate folder. SV5 compiles and integrates your code automatically.
The game is in real-time, but the game moves at one-second “impulses” and you can pause at any time. Single and multiplayer over internet.
Download solar vengeance
Some of the tools used to make the game were been released as well by the author…
TurboSprite: A Simple 2D Sprite Engine for .NET Framework 2.0
A simple, object-oriented 2D Sprite Engine for .NET 2.0.
TurboSprite is a set of components that provide a complete 2D animation sprite engine to your .NET applications. A “sprite” is a movable object in a game or other application that supports animation. In TurboSprite, you can use several different types of sprites, and create your own derived types to exhibit exactly the appearance and behavior you need. TurboSprite is written completely in C# managed code. DOWNLOAD TURBOSPRITE
PrismServer: A Chat Client and Server Solution for .NET 2.0
PrismServer is a complete solution for adding chat and other general purpose multi-user messaging to your .NET applications. The concepts of a chat-enabled application, like creating and entering chat rooms, sending and receiving chat messages, and management of user profiles, are abstracted by PrismServer and made available through simple properties, methods, and events.
Posted by Angelinux |
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Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD remix
Some info on the upcoming
Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD remix
and Street Fighter IV..
Video |
Posted by FireSword |
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