
BlackShot has been launched (in Europe too)

posted in FPS, MMO, NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

As the title of this post says..

BlackShot (EUROPE)
10 bytes - 2,487 downloads

10 bytes - 2,451 downloads

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3 Responses to “BlackShot has been launched (in Europe too)”

  1. By Máté on July 27, 2010

    All the guns are inaccurate, it look like a conter strike mod for quake, and i laughed hard on “state of the art graphics”. Id rather chose sanctioned renegades.

  2. By Máté on July 27, 2010

    And how the bloody hell do that arctic warfare get bloody?!

    • ye fps and mmo are really competitive and saturated genres.. and both have their winners.. Wow and Cod6..

      To me BlackShot doesn t seem too bad, but not that great either.. but since it s free, everyone can try it and decide.

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