

Posted in | Posted by FireSword

So you wanna contact us? This page is for you.
For whatever reason, write a comment below in this page, we will reply as soon as possible. If you want to send a private message include a link (for example, or write the word private anywhere in the message, doing so the message will be visible to us only, otherwise the message will be public visible. We don t guarantee that we will reply via e-mail trough.

If there is a problem with a specific game, please write a comment directly in its page, don t use this one. If we don’t reply to your offer here or via mail after a week consider your offer rejected, thank you.

If you want to showcase a free game go HERE

If you want to showcase commercial,kickstarter,mobile, android and others go HERE

173 Responses to “Contact”

  1. By Seangabriel Heiskala on July 18, 2024

    Seangabriel Heiskala

  2. By MasonSoype on July 18, 2024

    Hi, I wanted to know your price.

  3. By Jaliza Lockward on July 20, 2024

    Jaliza Lockward

  4. By Thel Buganem on July 21, 2024

    Thel Buganem

  5. By Yarira Absch guillaumin on July 24, 2024

    Yarira Absch guillaumin

  6. By Jerris Nahigian on July 25, 2024

    Jerris Nahigian

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