


(the image is from the game Planetside 2)

Here is a list of freegames which battles in the same field.. which is better? The word to the gamers!

DOTA 2 vs League of Legends
War Thunder vs World of Warplanes
MechWarrior Online vs Hawken
NavyField 2 vs World of Battleships
Generals 2 vs End of Nations
Ghost Recon Online vs Tactical Intervention
PlanetSide 2 vs FireFall

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3 Responses to “VERSUS!”

  1. By Mas on July 31, 2013

    Wow. these actually fit well XD

    For me DotA2 and its str dex int system never got to me and that made me see LoL as more light user version of AoS but I think LoL and DotA2 is going two different direction, specially with LoL using EU style and etc, overall giving new players simple rule to follow to get used to game.

    For EoN, they remade game to MOBA I guess since its current trend compared to declining RTS field.
    joke is only change is hero units got 4 skills from 2-3 and thats pretty much it, still same RTS. But several years of testing only, Generals which has rather reliable plan and money to actually do it would be more likely success.

  2. Ok here are my comments..

    DOTA 2 vs League of Legends

    None or both.. lol

    War Thunder vs World of Warplanes

    I guess a pilot would play both.. they have different approach to the flight model..

    MechWarrior Online vs Hawken

    Here is more like the gameplay pace.. and of course MechWarrior has a more solid background.

    NavyField 2 vs World of Battleships

    World of Battleships.

    Generals 2 vs End of Nations

    Generals 2 probably, since EoN changed completely gameplay.. but i dunno this could be still uncertain..

    Ghost Recon Online vs Tactical Intervention

    GR is ok, Tactical Intervention is to see if it will draw something new to the table or will be just another clone..

    PlanetSide 2 vs FireFall

    I see planetside 2 as a nice sci-fi diversion from BF3, Firefall looks like more another freegame now i don’t remember the title.. 😆

  3. C&C Generals 2 has been closed…

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