
Combat Arms (mmo-fps)

posted in FPS, FREE GAMES, MMO, OUTDATED, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

Combat Arms is a nice mmo-fps.
-Character customization
-Modfiable weapons
-Clan System
-Evolving game with updates
-Free to play


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Combat Arms Europe
10 bytes - 5,201 downloads

Combat Arms USA
10 bytes - 4,906 downloads

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10 Responses to “Combat Arms (mmo-fps)”

  1. On 26 June 2008 at 11:00AM PST will be the “pre-open beta” every one can download client e play for free

  2. 27 June 2008

    Reading their forums it seems that the game is available for north americans only, there is no date(they say coming soon) when the game will be available for others countries too…

  3. By Arrotino on June 27, 2008

    Seem that pre-open-beta will be only for north america but seems that open beta will be open world wide

  4. The game due to licence is playable only from North America, South America and Oceania countries (Australia, New Zealand)

  5. From Combat Arms website

    For those of you outside Nexon America’s service area (North America, South America and Oceania) who have been waiting to jump into combat, we’ve got good news: Combat Arms is coming to Europe!

    Launching a service for a new continent is no small task, so we appreciate the patience of our would-be combatants across the pond. Stay dialed in to combatarms.nexon.net and we’ll let you know as soon as we have more details!

  6. By Macinhacks on September 14, 2008

    People need to start developing more games like this for MAC. I mean seriously. I’ll bet you if these games were for mac, there would be ALOT more players.

  7. By Miguel Ortiz on September 29, 2008

    Create it for Mac users!!

  8. Combat arms (as far as i know) doesn’t work on mac even if you install linux and try to run it with wine.

    The only free fps i heard for mac are:
    Quake live

    and games made with Unity engine:
    Sanctioned Renegades

    Fallen Empire Legions (beta)

    Velociraptor(not fps) and much more…

  9. By flowmasterex on December 13, 2008

    this is a fluke. combat arms is nothing like this. stop mocking it

  10. Hey flow, i don ‘t fully understand what you say, are u saying the game doesn’t look like the screenshots? or the game isn’t good?
    Being a free game i would download and give it a try by myself, it ‘s harmless..

    Btw here the newer post..


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