
Assasin’s Creed Lineage (short movie)

posted in MOVIE, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

(italian version)

Assassin’s Creed: Lineage is the story of Ezio (Main Character in Assassin’s Creed 2) and his father – Giovanni Auditore da Firenze. Is Giovanni an assassin ? How did he die and Why does Ezio become an assassin ? All answers will be explained…

Here are the other versions:
(English, german, spanish, french)

(German Version)

(French Version)

(Spanish version)

(English version)

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2 Responses to “Assasin’s Creed Lineage (short movie)”

  1. By Bretto on November 21, 2009

    Watched the whole thing with my wife (she likes the games). It was very well done. Looks and feels just like the game but its real people! Wow! Cliffhanger ending of course… It is a promotion after all 😛

    • The level of details of Firenze (Florence), Milano (Milan) and Venezia (Venice) is incredible.. I think in the movie, real actors are mixed with the game visuals…

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