
The MMORPG Ryzom goes open source!

posted in GAMEMAKER, MMO, PINNED NEWS | Posted by FireSword

Ryzom is now the first commercial MMORPG completely Open Source.
The whole source code of Ryzom (client, server and tools) is now under the GNU AGPLv3 Open Source license.
All the Ryzom art (textures, 3D objects, animations, particle effects) is under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike license.

If you are a developer, you can now take the source code and/or the art assets of Ryzom to make your own MMORPG or any other project.

Ryzom Assets
1.3 GiB - 564 downloads

Ryzom Open Source
622.4 MiB - 519 downloads

Ryzom at SourceForge

Ryzom Forum

Ryzom Assets

Ryzom developer wiki

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