
Tribes Ascend Trailer

posted in FPS, NEWS, PINNED NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Tribes: Ascend, developed by Hi-Rez Studios using the Unreal 3 engine, features jetpacks, skiing, vehicles, and fast-paced, competitive online play. Tribes: Ascend will be a free-to-play, digital download available for the PC in Fall 2011.

Tribes Ascend
10 bytes - 1,125 downloads

The TRIBES series of games have been played by over 1 million people. Tribes fans appreciate fast-paced, athletic FPS combat including JETPACKS, skiing, vehicles, and load-out changes within a match. The community has been waiting for a pure multi-player shooter that is a brand new, modern successor to Tribes 2. Tribes: Ascend is that game.

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2 Responses to “Tribes Ascend Trailer”

  1. By Máté on July 18, 2011

    I fail to see the new here, but looks good. Wasnt there an old game called tribes? I remember something like this.

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