UnderRated IndieGames Part 2 is a Gamepack containing over 100 games. This is based over a youtube series called Underrated Indie Games (it was originally titled Obscure Indie Games), showing footage of 100 free underrated indie games from 100 different developers.
If you are a frequent visitor of this site, you have probably already downloaded and played some of this games in the pack.
For Single downloads or more info watch the yt playlist.
UnderRated IndieGames Pack 2
493.5 MiB - 736 downloads
UnderRated IndieGames Pack 1
484.2 MiB - 848 downloads
Wow, really looking forward to making my way through these. Many thanks.
Any you’d recommend as paricularly outstanding ?
Dunno, maybe Dungeon Dash, Spess Kwalas, The Legend of Super Grapple, Subterania and The Ascent (Of Golden Boy).
Magic, I’ll give them a playfirst thanks.