Wyrmsun is an open-source RTS game which features elements of mythology, history and fiction.
Link to Source Code and Data
If you enjoy the game, and would like to support its development, you can donate at the official site or buy the Steam version.
Download new versions of the game at the official site, the mirrors below are outdated.
WyrmSun v1.2.3
185.1 MiB - 338 downloads
WyrmSun (linux)
187.2 MiB - 309 downloads
– Retro-style graphics
– 2 playable civilizations, and a number of non-playable ones
– 20 quests to play, earning technology points which can be used to obtain new units, buildings and technologies
– 38 units, 30 buildings and 18 technologies
– Units that can earn experience, being able to upgrade to new unit types or acquire new abilities upon level-up
– Persistent heroes, who carry over their level and abilities throughout scenarios
– Personal names and traits for units
– Cave, Conifer Forest, Dungeon, Fairlimbed Forest and Swamp tilesets
– 35 maps of real and fictional locations to choose from, as well as random maps
– Living environment, with fauna reproduction and predation
– Very moddable game, with mod-loading capability built in
– Grand strategy mode, where production is resolved on the strategic (world map) level, while battles are resolved on the tactical level
– In-game encyclopedia, allowing players to learn more about the units, buildings and other elements of the game, as well as their historical and mythological sources of inspiration