Trion Worlds has signed a deal with South Korea’s XL Games to bring the big-budget fantasy role-playing game ArcheAge to Western markets. It will publish the game on its Red Door online commerce platform in North America and Europe. The game launched on January 16 in South Korea. It is launched in Russia as well. Trion aims to launch the game later this year in North America, Europe, Turkey, Australia, and New Zealand. Six years in development, and its creator is Jake Song, who made the smash hit online game Lineage.
ArcheAge introduces players to a fantasy sandbox world where they begin their journey on one of two continents: Nuia and Harihara. From there, everything else is up to the player, from what character they play, to where they go, and why. The game promises to remove the restrictions that have hindered other MMORPGs, especially concerning character classes and skills.
Free to play? As far as i know it is not decided yet.
Anything good? Here are the trailers..