Aurora is a 4X (eXpand, eXplore, eXploit, and eXterminate) science fiction strategy game. Players develop their interstellar empire from the humble beginnings on their homeworld to conquer the universe, or be pummeled into the ashes of history by opposing races.
Some say it has the graphical charm of an income tax assistant software from the late nineties, but a playing depth that more than rivals any commercial 4X game. Aurora is different because it places emphasis on fleet operations and detailed tactical combat.
The game is under constant development and there is an active and friendly player community in the game’s forum that will help you with any question or problem you might encounter.
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The Aurora World is a fantasy MMORPG that features eight professions with their own unique specializations and mastery system, an extensive PvE experience with entertaining daily quests, events and crafting, a robust PvP system that includes large scale Nation Wars (up to 300 players on a field), clan wars, PK system and a coliseum mode. The Aurora World also offers a unique hybrid pet/mount system known as Majinns that’ll aid players in their journey while being immersed into a world of lush environments and detailed character models; all this made possible with AI Interactive’s self-developed graphic engine.
The Aurora World runs on all Windows PCs supporting Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Posted by FireSword |
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Aurora Blade is a browser based MMORPG featuring four classes (Warrior, Mage, Knight and Priest), each one with certain advantages over the others.

Posted by Angelinux |
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