If you see the Flash it’s already too late… 😆
This game is free to download until Monday at 10AM Pacific Time.
Bohemia Interactive’s debut game published by Codemasters as Operation Flashpoint in 2001, became genre-defining combat military simulation and the No. 1 bestselling PC game around the world and has won many international awards, including “Game of The Year” and “Best Action Game.” Over 2 million copies have been sold since its release.
Posted by FireSword |
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Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Demo allows you to experience the unique gameplay featured in the full version of Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead including multiplayer, as well as samples of the vast amount of vehicles, weapons and units and realistic environment.
The demo also contains a part of Takistan terrain, which is based on the real-life landscape.
Contents of the Demo
* Singleplayer mission Coltan Blues from the main campaign
* Singleplayer scenarios Benchmark and Little Bird
* 3 Boot Camp scenarios: Basic, Driving and Helicopter tutorials
* Multiplayer missions Hike In The Hills and One Shot One Kill
* Multiplayer template Team Deathmatch
* Mission Editor with save/load option
Posted by FireSword |
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