Journey across a magical realm of diverse cultures and kingdoms in the epic title of Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is an ongoing fantasy-adventure manga series published by miHoYo that features top notch art, engaging story, and captivating characters. Join these young warriors in their quest to defend their beloved city in a world governed by the 7 Elemental Archons while they unravel mysteries of fate and destiny.
For PS4, iOS, Android and Windows.
Posted by FireSword |
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UPDATE: The game launched on Steam, cause of this it has changed from the free to play to a more classic buy to play. The game is not free to play.
Stellar Impact is now free to play. Since the release, Stellar Impact had difficulty to gather enough players. To resolve this problem the economic model becomes a free to play. Everybody will be able to play for free and infinitly but will be limited to the MK1, you will have to buy a premium account to unlock the others MK.
Posted by FireSword |

Alien Breed Impact is an explosive science fiction arcade-shooter that resurrects a much revered franchise with an epic story, swarms of highly intelligent alien enemies, high-impact weapons, highly detailed and rich environments; all implemented with superb technology in a state-of-the-art gaming experience. In addition to the thrilling single-player campaign mode, the game also offers a relentless, action-packed, online two-player co-operative battle mode.
In the Demo: The “Prologue” sample section – a specifically designed introduction to the game; play in either single-player or two-player online co-operative mode.
Posted by FireSword |
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YouImpact è la nuova piattaforma di sharing nata per creare una community che diffonda la cultura della sostenibilità e dell’ecologia in modo non convenzionale, frizzante, dinamico e perché no anche ironico.
Uno spazio dedicato alla creatività e all’inventiva, per esprimersi su temi ambientali con immagini, video e file audio. Per ogni contenuto inviato, con Impatto Zero® saranno creati nuovi metri quadrati di foresta.
YouImpact is a new social-video network, focused on the ecology.
For Every video (related to nature) uploaded they will create 1 square meter of forest.
Watch a video
Posted by Angelinux |
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Celestial Impact is a team based multiplayer first person shooter (FPS) for PC taking place on various asteroids floating in space. But Celestial Impact is not your average team based multiplayer FPS. Celestial Impact differs from other multiplayer FPS in that the whole landscape is destructible in any direction, each impact on the landscape affecting it differently depending on the weapon used. But it is not limited to destruction; the players will also have the ability to add terrain to the landscape in the middle of combat using a special tool. So as the teams are battling, the landscape receives vast changes opening up for various tactical approaches each team can use.
Each landscape (map) is a sphere-like asteroid with gravity pointing towards the center of the asteroid. This means that players can take round trips around the asteroid assaulting the enemy from any direction. Since the landscape is fully destructible, players could even approach from underneath by digging tunnels through the asteroid.
Posted by Angelinux |
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