Ogmo Editor is a generic level editor for indie game developers who use Windows. It also happens to be free and open source. The editor is built to be reconfigurable, so you can set it up to work well for your game project. Ogmo saves your levels as XML files, which will play nice with most programming languages and engines. C# (XNA) and ActionScript3 (Flash), for example, both have superb built-in XML support.
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If you know PacMan the original arcade, watching this photo, you would have noticed that the level is different.. There is a site where you can build your custom pacman maze and play it!
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The World of Warcraft Starter Edition allows players to access World of Warcraft for free — all you need is a Battle.net account and an Internet connection. Starter Edition players can play up to a maximum character level of 20 and are able to upgrade to a full, paid account at any time, allowing them to continue their adventures where they left off. The Starter Kit gives gamers who are interested in trying out World of Warcraft a chance to experience the game before purchasing a copy.
Posted by FireSword |
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