I am Fear is a game made by Luca Contato for the global game jam 2013, the game is accessible for visually impaired users but is enjoyable by everyone… You can’t see anything, but you can feel the fear of your preys and find them by their heartbeat. Hold firmly your x-box controller, roam around the level and feel the rumble: the closer you’ll get to your target the stronger its heartbeat will be.
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Found the site of Luca Elia (rolling Madness 3D) and saw a Mame section, in this section there are some obscure japanese games, they seems ultra-cool but mostly card, gambling, mahjong and board games type, unfortunatly all in japanese language… Where to download this roms? I dunno.. But be sure to visit Elia’s Site for the Eyecandy.. 😆
Posted by FireSword |

Rolling Madness 3D is Luca Elia’s attempt at remaking the classic 1984 arcade game Marble Madness by Atari. The graphics are slightly enhanced to bring them on par with modern standards: there is now a full 3D mode in addition to the usual isometric perspective one, a “pastel drawing” rendering mode and various camera placement options.
Posted by FireSword |
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