
Open TTD is on Steam

Since 1st April 2021 Open TTD is on Steam!

OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which players earn money by transporting passengers and cargo via road, rail, water, and air. It is an open-source remake and expansion of the 1995 Chris Sawyer video game Transport Tycoon Deluxe.

For windows, linux and mac.


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Open Rails

posted in SIMULATOR | 1 Comment

Open Rails is a free and open source train simulator.


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Trainz V1 (2001) for FREE!

Trainz V1 (2001) for FREE!

UPDATE:The offer has ended.


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Simutrans is a freeware and open-source transportation simulator. Your goal is to establish a successful transport company. Transport passengers, mail and goods by rail, road, ship, and even air. Interconnect districts, cities, public buildings, industries and tourist attractions by building a transport network you always dreamed of. For Windows, Linux, Mac, BeOS and Steam.


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Train Jam Games

Train Jam is a collection of developers traveling via train to the Game Developers Conference and creating games during the ~52 hours it takes to arrive in San Francisco from Chicago. Here are the Games…


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GMC Jam 12 – Top 10

posted in ACTION, GAMEPACKS | 1 Comment

Gmc jam 12 is a community event that is organised to encourage people to experiment with GameMaker and make something that will be interesting or entertaining within the limited timescale of 72 hours. The theme for this jam was “Evolution”.


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Grim Express

Grim Express is a murder mystery set aboard a moving train. You move around the train, looking for clues and interviewing suspects, in an attempt to find the murdered. Made in 48 hours for the YYA-Jam.


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World Train Royale

World Train Royale is a match-3 meets train tycoon casual game! Collect resources, refine them at your factory then export them to outsmart the competition!


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Ri-li is an arcade game licensed under the GPL (General Public License). You drive a toy wood engine in many levels and you must collect all the coaches to win. You can play on Linux, Mac OsX, Windows and AmigaOS4.


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FFracer: from Bergen to Oslo

Drive a train through Norway. The game’s concept was to take a popular documentary of Norway’s picturesque landscape and let people experience it in an interactive way. Players can coast through the Scandinavian forests, snow-clad mountainside, and glimpse at the colorful cabins with music and accelerating speed. In the free version you can play the first 3 tracks. The version with all 17 tracks costs $10.


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