
Super Trench Attack (demo)

Super Trench Attack is a hilarious comedic twitch shooter about the folly of World War 1. Super Trench Attack is the recent remake of the goofball shooter Medal Wars. With tons of new content, controls, action and of course the silly gags and crazy characters.


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1916 – Der Unbekannte Krieg

posted in ACTION, BROWSER, FPS, MAC | 1 Comment

A first person avoider game.

In the light and thunder from grenades of the First World War, a young soldier negotiates the wet trenches. He is alone yet through the thick haze of mustard gas he sees the shadows move. Ammunition has almost run out and fatigue is distorting his perception. The soldier tries to find a friendly soul in the river of blood and mud. This is when the real threat appears. A pack of dinosaurs break through the frontline… 1916 is a student production located in Aalborg – Denmark consisting of 12 students with interdisciplinary competences. The production of the game is associated with DADIU, The National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment, a collaboration between universities and art schools in all of Denmark.


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »