
Hyper Universe

Hyper Universe is a new f2p game that combines action-packed combat and team-based strategic gameplay.


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Build a Game Universe

Build a Game Universe is a program to build, play, share and sell your 2D games and game content. The program will be released in July 2016.


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Reprisal Universe released

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The previous Reprisal was free, now Reprisal Universe has been released, so if you like the game and-or want to support the developer buy the game.


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Reprisal Universe (Beta)

posted in DEMO, MAC, VIDEO | Leave a Comment

For the Reprisal Universe community – this build now contains the Universe! Please note that this will not have any progress saved in earlier beta builds. Internet access is required to run the Beta version, screen rez of 1280 X 720 minimum. Beginning the game on your home planet of Erinome, to unlock the ‘Universe’ you must collect your first Amulet from Island 5 – The Universe Awakes. Once collected the universe will be accessible. But be warned, only a brave or foolish traveller explores without the necessary totems …


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Transformers Universe Open Beta

Transformers Universe is Open BETA starting this Friday, July 4th from 6am EDT and 11am GMT.


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Reprisal Universe beta R3

Do you remember Reprisal? A new beta version of Reprisal (Universe edition) has been released.


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Transformers Universe

Transformers Universe is an upcoming online game based on the Transformers brand. Transformers Universe is a Massively Online Tactical Action game (MOTA). As Commander of a new squad of bots, you will recruit, maintain and battle others with a unique collection of Transformers warriors created by Jagex in collaboration with Hasbro.
Currently enlisting bots for beta testing, Transformers Universe will launch in summer 2014.


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Epic Space Online

Epic Space Online hosts players in a single universe with absolutely no borders or boundaries. You can fly in any direction in a procedurally generated universe. Epic Space Online is all about Sectors. The more sectors you control, the more revenue you generate. Trade, Pirate, Conquer, or Negotiate to your objectives in this Infinite Universe.
For PC, Mac and Linux.


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Reprisal Universe is Free to Play!

A year after it’s release, Reprisal has now gone free to play! If you’ve not got your hands on a copy of Reprisal’s desktop edition now you can.

Created in homage to Populous and the nostalgia of 16 bit games, Reprisal lets you take control of a tribe, guiding them, building land and making them grow in number. Using special totem powers you can control nature itself unleashing its full fury on anyone that stands in your way. But be warned, other tribes may not take too kindly to your intentions and will put up a fight!


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Posted by FireSword | 1 Comment »


Reprisal – 24 hour free download! PC Mac and Linux.

posted in LINUX, MAC, NEWS, VIDEO | 3 Comments

Hurry up this is a limited offer only for 24 hours! Download the full version of Reprisal for FREE! This is a time limited offer as part of the Greenlight promotion.


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