
Super Mario Fusion: Mushroom Kingdom Hearts (beta)

posted in FREE GAMES, PLATFORM, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux


A nice mario clone with an original Halo level.. 8 full playable levels for some funny time killing..

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Super Mario Fusion (beta 01b)
16.4 MiB - 9,713 downloads

Super Mario Fusion: Mushroom Kingdom Hearts
by: JudgeSpear
Press F1 for game instructions.
A total of eight levels are done. They are (according to the overworld map):
*Level 1: The Entryway
*Level 2: Storm Canyon
*Level 3: Lair of the Leviathan
*Level 5: Bubble Man’s Fortress
*Level 6: Mystic Forest (unfinished)
*Ghost House: The Crossroads (actually a demo level from the source)
*Hammer Bros. Battle.
*Yellow Switch Palace
*Level 9: Covenant Assault
*Fortress (Source demo level “Fort Hello”)

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6 Responses to “Super Mario Fusion: Mushroom Kingdom Hearts (beta)”

  1. Nice remake, but I always hated mario

  2. By Scapegoat on November 4, 2009

    Please what is the name of the original mario game which the above video game taken from?

  3. By lol on February 12, 2010

    Looks like super mario land 3 to me

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