
DIABLO 3 Screenshot leaked!!

posted in NEWS | Posted by Angelinux

Yea I know the boxcover up here is a fake, what you don’t know is that i have putted my dirty hands on a leaked screenshot of Diablo 3! Thanks to a source our tiny website can offer his viewers with one of the screenshots of one of the most hidden and wanted game from blizzard, the source told us the game will be a h-bomb for fans waiting years for this game and a jem for all the others.. anyway without anymore speech here ya go.. take a look at this (incredible) screenshot!

Diablo Pinata 2008

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3 Responses to “DIABLO 3 Screenshot leaked!!”

  1. By mughini on April 1, 2008


  2. OMG! Photorealistic state of the art graphic!!!! 😀

  3. As far now, you know this was an April fool, i hope you enjoyed the joke.. see ya next year 😉

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