A fantastic racing game from codemasters.
Codemasters has released a patch updating Race Driver: GRID to v1.1.
• Added support for Xinput wheel and Logitech Rumblepad 2, including default action map configurations.
• Adding ability to use H-pattern shifter in custom configuration by allowing configuration of gears 1 to 6 and reverse. Same for boost.
• Fix for missing Force feedback on Vista.
• Added the ability to override the controller type, so that if the game fails to auto-detect it, users can specify it themselves.
o Symptoms of the game failing to detect the appropriate controller type are:
On a pad, handling is too twitchy, appears to steer “lock-to-lock”.
On a wheel, the input lags and the linearity slider doesn’t appear to have an effect.
o To override controller type, find the hardware_settings_config.xml that is generated when the game is run (should be in My Documents\Codemasters\GRID\hardwaresettings) and change the line that reads input device_type=”auto” to either input device_type=”pad” or input device_type=”wheel” as appropriate for your controller.
• Changing microcode optimisation level for NVIDIA 7xxx series graphics cards to reduce a pause when using each shader for the first time.
• Adding support for triple head displays.
• Graphical corruption fix when using multiple GPU’s.
• Network chat text made less obtrusive.
• Numerous on-going compatibility fixes.
• Improvements to shadows for certain resolutions/aspect ratios.
• Profiles are now flushed to disk when they are written to reduce the chance of them being corrupted if the PC dies.
and much more, please note this patch works only with the dvd version direct2drive,steam,etc patch coming soon.