
PlaneShift (Free Open Source MMO)

posted in FREE GAMES, GAMEMAKER, LINUX, MAC, MMO, VIDEO | Posted by Angelinux

PlaneShift is a Role Playing Game immersed into a 3D virtual fantasy world which is FULLY FREE to play. Fully free means you will have no surprises of premium content which will limit your gameplay or unbalance the game. There are no limitations in skills, ranks, abilities, items you can gain with your free account. There are no time limits or additional constraints. Other similar games just advertize the “free” concept to sell you premium accounts. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by sponsors.


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4 Responses to “PlaneShift (Free Open Source MMO)”

  1. By John Bubuz on April 20, 2009

    Un ora per iscriversi e settare l’inutile background del personaggio, per un gioco dalla grafica penosa e dispersivo nel complesso…
    Meglio Ultima Online…

  2. Il punto di forza di questo gioco e’ l’open source, puoi accedere al codice, per contribuire o creare il tuo mmo ex-novo.

    Dal punto di vista del giocatore, mi sembra di aver letto sul loro sito che il gioco non e’ completo, ma e’ da considerarsi come una tech demo, quindi ci sono ampi spazi per il miglioramento in futuro.

  3. By Ezzekhiel on April 24, 2009

    hmmm don’t speak italaian. Is that from the official AD&D licence Planeshift ?

  4. No it’s not based on AD&D Planeshift..
    What is it btw, it’s a rulebook for very high level d&d players?

    When you mentioned this, I thought this old game.. Planescape: Torment from BlackIsle Studios.


    Btw with the translation…

    JB said 1 hour to register, login and setup the character’s history-background, to get a game with bad graphic and dispersive in the complex. Ultima Online is better.

    I replied the strong point of this is that it is open-source, you can access code to modify, contribute or create your own mmo. From the point of view of the player, i read on their site that game is still in beta so there are margins for improvements.


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