
Martial Empires

posted in MMO, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Become a hero in the world of Martial Empires

Are you prepared for the exploration of the once separated continent Neha? Ready to meet its people and to expose its secrets? Take action and fight for the freedom of this mystic continent. Decide between three different classes. Take revenge for the murder of your mother as a ranger. Prevent the destruction of Neha as a mighty mage or participate in the troops of the imperator on their secret mission as a warrior.

Learn new skills and develop your abilities in the handling of numerous weapons and enter the war with your guild. Meet the challenge of captivating PVP-Battles or relax with one of many minigames.

Became master of fighting and a honorable hero in the world of Martial Empires!

This seems similar to Project S.

Martial Empires
10 bytes - 708 downloads


* Free2play MMORPG (with optional cashshop)
* Detailed 3D graphics
* Unique character development
* Three classes with various options for figuration
* Numerous PvE- and PvP-features
* Extensive quests for single and group play
* Guildsystem with different war options
* Entertaining minigames
* Detailed designed 3D-world
* Easy-start-option due to numerous tutorials

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2 Responses to “Martial Empires”

  1. By aiou07 on April 5, 2010


    • I m afraid all the keys around the web are gone..
      You have to wait for Open Beta.

      This seems a good mmo btw..

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