
Super Vampire Ninja Zero

posted in BEAT EM UP, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Super Vampire Ninja Zero is a mini-game beat em up in which you control a female ninja and fight against various enemies.

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* Normal Mode, where you must defeat a finite sequence of enemies.
* Time Attack, where you must survive enemy waves for 5 minutes.
* Coop Survival, where you team up with an AI controlled character. The game ends when you or your partner bites the dust.
* Practice, where non aggressive enemies will spawn endlessly.
* Enemy Test, where you play as any one of the enemies

Super Vampire Ninja Zero
5.8 MiB - 2,068 downloads

Super VAmpire Ninja Zero XO
4.8 MiB - 604 downloads

NOTE: The XO version is for the Computer One Laptop per Children

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