
FrontierVille (Facebook)

posted in BROWSER, FLASHGAMES | Posted by FireSword

FrontierVille is a game created and developed by Zynga. It was released on June 9th, 2010 and is available to play on Facebook.

In FrontierVille, the Pioneer can tame the wild and create his/her own special Homestead and town. In order to build a thriving frontier town, the Pioneer must first gather the proper resources and clear the land. Chopping Lumber Trees will produce Wood while harvesting Fruit Trees, Animals, and Crops can produce Food, Coins and Energy. After chopping and harvesting, the Pioneer will have to begin constructing Buildings to found a town on the FrontierVille Homestead. The Pioneer is given Goals to help them along the way. The Pioneer won’t be alone, and will have a Spouse, and a family to raise too!

In the beginning of the game, Frontier Jack explains the basics of the Gameplay of Frontierville.

Link to FrontierVille

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3 Responses to “FrontierVille (Facebook)”

  1. By Máté on July 13, 2010

    Pedobear spotted!

  2. By Máté on July 14, 2010


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