

posted in BROWSER | Posted by FireSword

Illyriad is a free-to-play, real-time, browser-based Massively-Multiplayer fantasy strategy game.

The Kingdom of Illyriad is an exciting world of opportunities and challenges where you build your empire from scratch in the manner of your own choosing. Build cities and units, trade ruthlessly, research new technologies, undertake quests, build armies, gather intelligence, sabotage your opponents, cast magic spells over great distances, form or break alliances and declare war on your enemies before crushing them mercilessly!

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One Response to “Illyriad”

  1. By Zorg on December 8, 2014

    Illyriad is excellent game. Not a lot of flashy, intense graphics but the game has a good community and is very immersive. Lots of detail and variety. Also, the game is not pay to win. Highly recommended for mature players looking for a deep, strategy oriented experience.

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