
BloodChampions Online BETA

posted in ACTION, NEWS, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Bloodline Champions is a competitive online multiplayer game for up to ten players per game, in which two teams fight for dominance.

Each player can choose between a variety of playable Bloodlines with different spectacular abilities, from the awesome strength of the Vanguard to the deceptive magic of the Harbinger.

BloodChampions Online
10 bytes - 498 downloads

Funcom & Stunlock Studios can now confirm that the game will be available as a free to play game with micro-transactions through an in-game store. The store will hold a variety of items, ranging from additional Bloodlines, to weapons, skins and titles.

In addition to the in-game store, a variety of different game packs will be made available through the account pages, containing assorted goodies at a reduced price. The account page is also where the VIP membership (more details further down in the FAQ) can be set up.

Below you can see a brief description of the free offering:

Free Offering

* Four (4) Bloodlines on a weekly rotation
* Unlimited Play
* Blood coins earned at normal rate, with a weekly cap
* One (1) Team Slot for use in team matchmaking
* In-game VoIP with audio advertisement

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2 Responses to “BloodChampions Online BETA”

  1. By lol on November 9, 2010

    BloodChampions Online BETA
    Champions Online
    Nice SEO.

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