
Kabod Online

posted in ADULT, MMO, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

Kabod Online is a 3D fantasy MMORPG rated 18+. The game has open PvP, plenty of violence, and some nudity. Players chose from four classes and are tasked with killing monsters and completing quests. The game has open PvP which means players after a certain level can be attacked almost anywhere. It is possible to steal items from other players, and to date NPCs in town with some interaction 😆

I putted this in adult section too, but i highly doubt this is for adults, i think it was rated 18.. just beacouse the boobs.. 😆

Kabod Online
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2 Responses to “Kabod Online”

  1. By ralph christie on July 14, 2011

    Brilliant work! Make me sign up BEFORE you tell me the stupid game isn’t Mac-compatible! THANKS FOR NOTHING & THANKS FOR WASTING MY TIME!

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