

posted in ADVENTURE, PLATFORM, VIDEO | Posted by FireSword

From the DigiPen students. Douse is a 2D poetic experience about a rain sprite who falls from the sky during a rain shower into a lush forest. He uses his ability to control rain to bring life back to the forest, and to playfully and curiously explore his new environment, all while looking for a way back home to the clouds.

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42.2 MiB - 408 downloads

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One Response to “Douse”

  1. By Sternhammer on November 15, 2012

    DigiPen students really do produce some truly excellent freeware games these days.

    ‘Douse’ has really grown on me and is far better/more enjoyable than many paid for games that I’ve bought of late.

    I can’t help but think Indie gaming is where the real powerhouse of ideas and quality gaming is coming from these days in respect of new software.

    That said, my gig is retro gaming so what do I know..

    Many thanks for highlighting the download.

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