PR:BF2 v1.4 adds the Falklands Theater, a rework of tanks and jets, 3 new maps and many other content additions. Project Reality is a modification for the multi-player online PC game, Battlefield 2 (BF2). Project Reality v1.4 does NOT require Battlefield 2 to run.
Project Reality is a modification for the multi-player online PC game, Battlefield 2 (BF2).
Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 features thousands of changes and improves every aspect of the game. All of these changes combined with the addition of 2 new factions, 6 new maps, an array of new assets and multiple bug fixes, PR:BF2 v1.0 promises players the most realistic, team oriented, online gaming experience available on the PC.
ArmA 2 demo allows you to experience the unique gameplay featured in the full version of ArmA 2 including multiplayer, as well as samples of the vast amount of vehicles, weapons and units and realistic environment. The demo also contains a part of Chernarus terrain.
Forgotten Hope 2 is a World War II full conversion, based on fun, realistic gameplay and historical accuracy. FH2’s veteran team will bring the spirit of the original FH to the BF2 engine.
Version 2.15 is available.
This is a must download if you have Battlefield 2, likes ww2 themed games and are australian or italian.
Forgotten Hope 2 is a World War II full conversion, based on fun, realistic gameplay and historical accuracy. FH2’s veteran team will bring the spirit of the original FH to the BF2 engine.
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