
Splitgate: Arena Warfare

Splitgate: Arena Warfare is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter that uses player-controlled portals to create a new dimension of arena combat. IGN describes Splitgate as “Halo meets Portal”.


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Nexuiz Free Weekend

Do you remeber Nexuiz? The first version of the game was released in 2005. Development continued with many online contributors over the years, with version 2.5 released in October of 2009. In mid-2010 it was announced that a new XBLA, PSN, and Steam downloadable remake of Nexuiz would be done from the ground up by IllFonic using Crytek’s highly anticipated CryENGINE3 game engine.

You can play the Nexuiz on Steam for free this weekend.


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Nexuiz is a free open-source first person shooter that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX.


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Posted by FireSword | 4 Comments »