

posted in MOVIE, NEWS | Posted by FireSword

Well.. it seems that after (a lot) of bad movies, they are doing a (seem decent) movie in the Aliens vs Predator universe.. The last good ones were Aliens 2 and Predator, to be honest half the movie of predator imo was made by Arnold Schwarzenegger.. For me the stars are the space-colonial-marines(Aliens) and-or Special Ops(Predator).. not viceversa.

This movie is a remake or heavy inspired by the first Predator movie (no there will be no Arnold), with a twist.. there is a jungle.. but the poor humans this time are on an alien planet..

Last Note: i bought Aliens vs Predator (the new one) videogame.. and for me it was like wasting money..
The game is good, but multiplayer is empty, and bad made, plus i thought they did a 4 marines story co-operative a-la left for dead.. eansted just standard multiplayer.

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