This Chaos Demon got pwned by a Space Marine.
Space Marine is the best game made in the Warhammer 40k Universe so far, since the release of Space Hulk, many years ago. So far the cinematic promise a lot of hours of pure entertaining, and when you are done with the fireworks, there is a decent multiplayer part too. Since the first time i saw Gears of War i thought wh40k needed a game like this, and to be honest there were a lot of references to the Empire in the Marcus Phoenix ‘s game, which resembled me some kind of Imperial Guards on steroids or an heavy version of the Guards. Enjoy the videos!
This last video is not related with the game, but it looks a cool animation so decided to put it here.
The Game will be released September 6, 2011 Europe and September 9, 2011 in North America.
Hope you liked this big list of videos.